Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Dorian's Last Say...

There's something missing when I try to connect to the others. They forget that I'm only one person, a half-blood - I know - but still just one being, one mind. I don't know how I've managed to impress them this long. Sneaking in and out of the University has become tiresome and I'd never tell Tor how many close calls I've had. I had to risk it though...ever since I saw her.
She doesn't melt into the white starkness of the University like the other pure-blood Winglets do. She stands out, like she's in the wrong story, a blooming flower in the middle of winter. I gave up trying to explain to the others why I need to return to the University. I can never tell them its because of a pure-blood. They'd say I was risking the fate of the entire Great Oak for a girl?
The pressure of what lies before me is crushing. I thought I could bear it for the sake of the others, but when I think of what Odon did to my parents? I realize there is no way out, but sometimes I imagine the ocean, laying upon the hot sand and letting the tide wash over me and cool my skin. I just realized! That's what it feels like. That's what it's like when I look at Oriana.

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