Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Why I wrote Oriana's Eyes.

The view from my family home after moving
to New England from NY.
I wanted to share with you why I wrote Oriana's Eyes and also what it means to me. I am currently writing the sequel to Oriana's Eyes, (yes there is much of it already written!) and the truth is, it's difficult to make time for writing when I have so many other life projects going on! But, believe me, I seriously want to make it a priority.

It's seems like forever ago that I first started writing Oriana's Eyes. I was still in junior high school when I started writing the first draft of a concept I had come up with about yin and yang people in a dystopian world. I had this idea of opposite species, both equal, but being separated because of their race. I was greatly inspired at the time by famous novels like 1984 and Farenheit 451.

I started writing chapters and building a world that reflected a lot of the feelings I was having at the time. Feeling trapped in a school system where peers formed cliques based on wealth and popularity, and other shallow ideals, but also where it felt that having unique thoughts was frowned upon. I was sick of the monotony of everyday routine, and being stuck in the same boring lectures over and over. 

My beagle Lucy. RIP.
My first draft of my story was about 50 pages long and I had an overall picture of beginning to end, but I knew there was a lot I had left out. Much of the beginning of the novel remained true to the original draft. I had my two main characters: Oriana and Dorian, but the middle and end need a lot more elaborating.

Throughout high school I continue to write and rewrite. When I'd reach a point of writer's block, I would start from the beginning and reread it over and over until the next step became clear. During the summers in between school and throughout college, I would take long walks with my beagle, Lucy and just think about the characters. How did they feel? What were their motives? What would be their next move?

This book became more than just my first attempt at writing a novel, it became an escape. I was connected to the characters and their unique world. I wanted to learn more about it and understand every aspect of their lives.

Every day I would share a new chapter with my best friends who continued to encourage me to write. Seeing their excitement about what would happen next was motivation enough to continue. I didn't know how many people would actually end up reading my novel, but even having just one avid reader to share my inner world with has always been enough. 

I connected with Oriana as a character and related to her, but she was in many ways unlike me and I didn't always agree with her decisions. I had to inhabit her situation to really understand her weaknesses and how she might grow throughout her story. In many ways, all the characters in Oriana's Eyes reflect different sides and aspects of myself. 

Zelda and Gatsby continue to inspire me.
It wasn't until I was 24 years old that I decided to self-publish Oriana's Eyes. I had graduated from college with my BA in English with a writing concentration and was working for Equine Journal, and all-breed, all-discipline equestrian magazine. It was a struggle to keep my passion for writing alive while I was just trying to get my career started and be on my own during one of the most difficult economic years in our nation's history, 2008. The stock market was plummeting and I kept hearing over and over again from every media outlet around me, "There are no jobs." I watched as my friends struggled to find jobs related to their majors, and the news was a constant stream of doomsday proclamations. 

I lucked out when I applied for an assistant editor position with the magazine, and was able to move into an apartment for the very first time with my boyfriend, Jordan (still my greatest love of 11 years!) and eventually our two cats Gatsby and Zelda. 

Self-publishing was no easy task, and if you thought reading a novel about a thousand times over was enough, you'd be wrong. I read it many more times and went through many more drafts. I paid to have it professionally edited and then went through several more drafts. By the end, I felt my work was by no means perfect, but I felt it was complete and I was proud of what I'd achieved.

So why did I write Oriana's Eyes? I was compelled to. I wrote it for myself, I was a quiet child and writing was my greatest form of self expression. I wrote it for my best friends, who I will forever be grateful to (find their names at the front of the book), and finally I wrote it for my deep love of fantasy and the infinite places it can take us. I will always have a special place in my heart for the fantasy genre and how it saved me from even my darkest of days.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

I saw a tree

After digging around some of my previous work, I found a poem that I forgot about. I still really like this one, although it could use some work. I thought it would be fitting to share as we approach my favorite time of year, fall. I live in New England, so the fall foliage such an exquisite time of year and very inspiring to write about. I don't have a title for this one and I wrote it quickly without much drafting. So, take it as you will. I hope you enjoy!

I saw a tree still carrying

the burden of leaves.
Dead hanging corpses
clinging long past the autumn foliage
had fallen in coordinated beauty.

But losing time this tree held onto
it’s past in umber paper.
Written in veins of
newborn chicks,
summer sunsets, misty mornings
and it could not accept the death season.
And it could not
move on with fellow crooked, naked limbs
mirrored beside it.

So I looked at my own burdens
latched onto weighted limbs
refusing to part with them
in beauty or shortened days.
And interchangeable parts
I realized peers in
heavy coats and woolen hats
were just as naked as the trees around them.

I'm back! And ready to write!

I've spent the last 18 months working on one of the most difficult and most rewarding things in my life. Just last week I completed my MBA in project management from Norwich University. I was hoping that I'd somehow be able to fit writing in between work and school, but I quickly discovered I had no energy left by the end of the day to devote to my novel without sacrificing some quality as well.

I've missed having time devoted to my writing and escaping into the world of the Great Oak. So not only do I feel relief at having survived the past 18 months, but also I'm exulted to have the time I need to get back into Book Two.

On another note, I have a short story that I've been working on sending out to various contest. Also, a screenplay I started many years ago that I thought had been lost forever was finally recovered! Thanks to my brother-in-law, I have my lost screenplay back and I'm looking forward to completing that as well.

Here's to no more studying and more sci-fi/fantasy! I've had more than enough reality than I can handle!

Thank you for being so patient with me and my hectic life. I wish you all well and hope to be sharing some work with everyone, including the reveal of my Book Two title!

Lots of love,

Celeste Simone

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Fantasy TV Shows - Giving in to my inner child

Okay, I can't be the only one who is loving the increasing popularity of fantasy, sci-fi, supernatural TV shows that keep rolling out! I follow Once Upon A Time religiously, and I just found out that there's a Cinderella movie in pre-production with Lily James and Richard Madden. Love! I've also been checking out the new supernatural Netflix show, Hemlock Grove. I can't get enough of them. In some cases these types of fantasy romance/fairy tale series can do no wrong in my book. I pretty much let my inner-child take over and just enjoy the ride.
I think at times maybe we can become too critical of our entertainment. Certainly we can't ignore poorly created art. Just like the next serious fantasy fan, I have high standards for what I consider my favorites. Yet part of enjoying fantasy is the ability to let go of preconceived notions of what is real and what is not, and instead be swept away into another reality. I don't know about you, but for me, I abandon my critical mind and just open myself up to whatever this new world has to offer. Whether it be a movie, TV show or book.
I was actually really surprised by increasingly negative feedback that The Hobbit movie by Peter Jackson received. Okay, you don't have to repeat all the reasons why it was awful, I've read/heard them over and over. But to be honest, if Peter Jackson is willing to spend years of his life making it possible for me to enter into Middle Earth for another three films? Then I am all for it. Also, I know, I know, it doesn't follow the book exactly, and I had issues with the portrayal of Faramir, my absolute favorite character in The Two Towers film. BUT, thank you Peter Jackson for bringing those books to life! Don't get me wrong, I'm a hardcore fan of the original. We know going into it that, "the book is always better than the film."
I guess I bring up The Hobbit because I happened to enjoy it. It was the full experience, and yes, I felt like I was there once again! Glimpsing Middle Earth...
At the risk of becoming a post solely about my love for The Hobbit, in a world of disappointed fans, I will open up the question. What fantasy TV shows are you following? I would love to hear some suggestions!

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Between Books: Writing, Graduate Studies, and Daily Work

Hey everyone!

It has been a while since I posted on my blog, but I have been working hard on my second book among a lot of other things! I am nine weeks into my Masters in Business Administration. It was a big decision for me, but I'm glad I went through with it. I have been learning a lot! Also, I work full time at a university, so I am able to do all three things at once. Although, that doesn't give me much time for other things!

I have been so excited about sharing more about my second book, but I don't want to give too much away. I can reveal at least that I do have a title ready and I will be revealing it soon! So stay tuned.

As far as my masters degree, it has been really tough! I have been working so many hours on writing papers and discussions boards (it's entirely online) that I have just been so tired! I'm looking forward to a two-week break in between seminars where I will devote my time to writing more for Book Two of The Great Oak Trilogy. I can't wait to tell everyone more about it!

In other news, I am enjoying the warm weather! It has just started to really feel like spring and I went hiking with my boyfriend last weekend! It was beautiful, it felt so nice to enjoy the sunlight and be outdoors. We are so lucky we have a ton of hiking trails right behind where we rent our condo, so we can enjoy nature. There were so many streams and rivers, and surprisingly there was still a lot of snow once we reached the higher elevations. We actually had to turn around because it was too deep.

I hope all of you are doing well and enjoying the sunshine!

Best wishes,
Celeste Simone

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

I'm still breathing!

Hi Everyone!
Just wanted to post an update since I've been MIA for a few months. I'll make it short. I've been reading a fellow indie author's book, Better Off Dead, by Matthew Rowe and will be posting my review soon. Also, I've been consumed with writing book two of the trilogy! I can't wait to share some more updates on my progress.

Lastly, the offer still stands! I am happy to review YA Fantasy novels by self-published authors. I'm always up for helping a fellow indie author out! Send your queries to celestesimone@gmail.com.

Here's the synopsis of Better Off Dead: A world where sorcerers are saucy, vampires are a pain in the neck and everyone is clawing to be on top. The city of Londinium is in a period of civil unrest, but it's not because the tube is always late, or because people are tired of zombies shedding limbs in public, nor is it because the humans are tired of trying to eke out a living only to meet a messy end in a dark alley. An unknown vampire has proclaimed himself ruler, and if there is one thing the people, both living and dead, hate more than a tyrannical ruler, it's a secretive one. One young vampire is charged with discovering the prince's identity. The only problem: he doesn't want to. Ramses, the world's first genuine cat burglar, is far more concerned with eliminating the threat posed by the feline race rather than that of some pesky vampire lord, a dragon and civil war. Can this undead slacker learn to grow up at last, foil this mysterious plot and halt the biggest supernatural conflict in history or will he need help from his mummy?

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Indie Authors Unite!

Okay, so I published Oriana's Eyes. I was able to get multiple reviews from various bloggers with a wonderful response. I am so thankful to those bloggers who were willing to give an Indie Author a chance. But unfortunately, having multiple positive reviews still doesn't let you in the door to all the YA Fantasy book bloggers out there.
I completely understand, they have a lot on their plate, and let's face it, there's a lot of self-published novels out there that are not of the same caliber and quality that publishers can offer.
So I've decided that, despite the fact that I myself am still growing followers for this blog, I will offer what publicity I do have, to fellow YA Fantasy Indie Authors. I think that everyone deserves a chance, and that's what social media is about, right? Sharing amongst each other, getting the word out without the middle man publishing company to decide what deserves recognition and what doesn't. I hope you will join me in uniting self-published authors of this genre.

So here is my Review Policy, and bear with me as I begin to reorganize my blog.

I am only accepting Indie Authors and Self-Published YA novels, including the following genres (in no particular order):


I am willing to publish these reviews on my blog, Goodreads, Twitter, Facebook, Google, and Amazon. If you check out my presence on these other websites, they show that I have a respectable following that I hope to grow with more self-published content. I have a college degree in English and writing, I also have experience as an editor, associate editor, and writer for national magazines.

At this point in time, I cannot guarantee a review for every query I accept, but I will do my best to give my honest opinion of your novel in a timely manner. If I feel the novel is less than three stars, I will not post a review. I do not want to hurt your sales, and as it is just my opinion, my intention is not to negatively affect an author's efforts.

If you are interested, please query me at: celestesimone@gmail.com