Review Policy - Self-Published Only!

Okay, so I published Oriana's Eyes. I was able to get multiple reviews from various bloggers with a wonderful response. I am so thankful to those bloggers who were willing to give an Indie Author a chance. But unfortunately, having multiple positive reviews still doesn't let you in the door to all the YA Fantasy book bloggers out there.
I completely understand, they have a lot on their plate, and let's face it, there's a lot of self-published novels out there that are not of the same caliber and quality that publishers can offer.
So I've decided that, despite the fact that I myself am still growing followers for this blog, I will offer what publicity I do have, to fellow YA Fantasy Indie Authors. I think that everyone deserves a chance, and that's what social media is about, right? Sharing amongst each other, getting the word out without the middle man publishing company to decide what deserves recognition and what doesn't. I hope you will join me in uniting self-published authors of this genre.

So here is my Review Policy, and bear with me as I begin to reorganize my blog.

I am only accepting Indie Authors and Self-Published YA novels, including the following genres (in no particular order):


I am willing to publish these reviews on my blog, Goodreads, Twitter, Facebook, Google, and Amazon. If you check out my presence on these other websites, they show that I have a respectable following that I hope to grow with more self-published content. I have a college degree in English and writing, I also have experience as an editor, associate editor, and writer for national magazines.

At this point in time, I cannot guarantee a review for every query I acccept, but I will do my best to give my honest opinion of your novel in a timely manner. If I feel the novel is less than three stars, I will not post a review. I do not want to hurt your sales, and as it is just my opinion, my intention is not to negatively affect an author's efforts.

If you are interested, please query me at:

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