Saturday, April 17, 2010

Printed in the Equine Journal!

I was really excited to see my book mentioned in Natalee Robert's "Notes from Natalee" for the May issue of the Equine Journal. Natalee was kind enough to mention my book and wish me luck! I currently work as associate editor of the Equine Journal and it really meant a lot. You can read her letter by May 1st at in the digital flipbook.
In the mean time an article is being written on my book in the Coos County Democrat newspaper in Lancaster, NH. I interned with the Democrat for a summer while a student in college so it was nice to get back in touch.
If you're not a member of you should join because it is a great way to connect with other devoted readers. There are tons of groups and discussions going on -- all about books! What could be better?
My book is currently in the running for being chosen in the Fantasy Book Club in a thread devoted to less known authors. I'm also giving away a book via Goodreads for free! And I'm having another contest on my website!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Website Up!

I'm so happy I finally pulled my website together! Basically I designed it using iWeb and then went with FatCow mainly because the use wind energy. That was the deciding factor. My plan now is to create bookmarks now that I finally have a domain name and then begin my book signing!
First things first: enter the self-published book contest with Writer's Digest. (Wish me luck) But I think I deserve a little basking in my website accomplishments. What was really nice about FatCow is I was able to just call them and ask them how to do it and they sent me a step-by-step guide. I really have no idea how it worked, but luckily there are people who are much smarter at computers and can make easy programs to help the rest of us out. Plus it was free! I basically loaded my design onto their ftp site.
So feel free to let me know what you think, and of course if there are any glitches!