Wednesday, February 22, 2012

I'm still breathing!

Hi Everyone!
Just wanted to post an update since I've been MIA for a few months. I'll make it short. I've been reading a fellow indie author's book, Better Off Dead, by Matthew Rowe and will be posting my review soon. Also, I've been consumed with writing book two of the trilogy! I can't wait to share some more updates on my progress.

Lastly, the offer still stands! I am happy to review YA Fantasy novels by self-published authors. I'm always up for helping a fellow indie author out! Send your queries to

Here's the synopsis of Better Off Dead: A world where sorcerers are saucy, vampires are a pain in the neck and everyone is clawing to be on top. The city of Londinium is in a period of civil unrest, but it's not because the tube is always late, or because people are tired of zombies shedding limbs in public, nor is it because the humans are tired of trying to eke out a living only to meet a messy end in a dark alley. An unknown vampire has proclaimed himself ruler, and if there is one thing the people, both living and dead, hate more than a tyrannical ruler, it's a secretive one. One young vampire is charged with discovering the prince's identity. The only problem: he doesn't want to. Ramses, the world's first genuine cat burglar, is far more concerned with eliminating the threat posed by the feline race rather than that of some pesky vampire lord, a dragon and civil war. Can this undead slacker learn to grow up at last, foil this mysterious plot and halt the biggest supernatural conflict in history or will he need help from his mummy?

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