It's hard to wake up on Monday mornings, knowing I didn't get anything done over the weekend, and try to find the motivation to get started. This morning I woke up -- a few times -- and didn't feel like I could face the day.
When this happens I decide to take it one step at a time. That's how everything seems to resolve itself. I know that I'm not sure how everything will come together when I start out, but somehow I get there.
Today I sent out two books to my giveaway winners. I'm so excited for them to receive the autographed copies! I had originally sent out one that was torn out of the package! An empty envelope ended up reaching my winner. I felt so bad that her book was delayed another week as I waited to see if my book could be recovered, no such luck. But I gave up the search and sent out another. I can't wait to hear that they made it safely. I definitely had the post office clerk put a few more pieces of thick tape on those things!
This past weekend I had a great time with my mom. She has always given me the self-assurance to go for what I believe in. It's hard to maintain that confidence in myself, when I'm going for a dream that still seems so far away. I guess if I don't at least try my best then I'll always regret not trying. "Shoot for the moon, even if you miss you'll land amongst the stars."
When all else fails, I have Gatsby and Zelda, my two cats. They're always there to offer some needed love.